Wear the Rainbow Sash On Pentecost Sunday June 12

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Join the Rainbow Sash Movement as we enter Cathedrals on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.  Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender People  become visible in the Church as symbol of unity. Self identification is not a political act if it is anything it is an act of integrity and honesty. By becoming visible we call  our Catholic Bishops into a dialog process concerning clerical homophobia in the Church.

Join us for the universal birthday of the Church on Pentecost Sunday. Begin organizing now with friends and family. If we continue to remain hidden we will only ghettoize ourselves, and continue to be segregated and invisible.

We must communicate to our Catholic Bishops that we cannot sit idly by as they orchestrate public homophobic attacks on our community. They have used the sacred liturgy to promote homophobia it is time to bring the Rainbow into the heart of the Church.